Mentorship: Azucena Losana
Duration: October 29th and 30th (Tuesday to Wednesday)
Time: 9:30 a.m. to 12h30 p.m.
Venue: Sala Juvenal Dias – Palácio das Artes/ Fundação Clóvis Salgado – Belo Horizonte – MG
Workload: 6 hours
Intended for adults (artists and/or the general public)
Max. 10 participants
Free training activity aimed at the construction of visual projectors with low-cost materials aimed at adults (artists and/or the general public). With these projectors, a collective audiovisual score will be created to perform an audiovisual improvisation piece.
Manufacture of “Zapatapp” projector and light modulators. During the workshop, a shoebox slide projector and some light modulators are built (including 35mm film intervention).
Creation of a collective audiovisual score + audiovisual ensemble Once the projectors are built, we will put together a collective score to perform an audiovisual improvisation piece.
Materials for each participant:
- 1 shoe box
- cardboard
- Electrical kit (LED dichroic lamp of 7w or similar, lamp holder, 2 meters of cable, connector and switch) or LED flashlight (buy one per person)
- 2 equal magnifying glasses of 8 or 10 cm in diameter (2 x projector)
Materials for the whole group:
- Loooooots of Cardboard 🙂
- Masking tape and scotch tape (transparent)
- Scissors
- Cutters
- Filmines (transparent acetate)
- Colored cellophane paper or similar
- Sharpie markers or similar
- Transparent glue
Tools for everyone or group:
- Wire strippers, screwdrivers, insulating tape, silicone gun, soldering gun.
Technical needs during the workshop:
Darkened room, large table, electrical outlets, white wall or fabric for projecting, sound system and/or instruments for the final assembly.
CONDUCTING: Azucena Losana
Born and raised in Mexico City, 1977. I Live and work in Mexico City and Buenos Aires.
Attended the Multimedia Arts Degree at the National Arts University in Argentina, the Diploma of Audiovisual Preservation and Restoration (DIPRA) by the Film Archive and the National Image of Argentina (CINAIN) and Claudio Caldini’s experimental film workshop.
My work is related to experimental films, installations and video.
Received in 2009 the Third Prize of Arts and New Technologies from the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires and Telefonica, in 2015 the exchange scholarship of the University of Sao Paulo / UNA. On 2016 a mention in the National Hall of Arts in Argentina. On 2017 received the Creation Grant from the National Arts Fund in Argentina and the grant for the Art Creators National System Program (SNCA) from the National Fund for Culture and the Arts (FONCA) in Mexico. On 2021 I’ve been selected as a Professional Development Fellow of the Flaherty Film Seminar and received the Grant for Independent Audiovisual Training from The Mexican Institute of Cinematography (IMCINE). On 2022 received the e-flux prize at the International Short Film Festival in Oberhausen, Germany and a special mention by the Black Canvas Festival in Mexico City. In 2023 a special mention of the jury of the Umbrales competition in FICUNAM Festival.